Substance Use Costs and Harms Reports

Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Report (2007–2020)
Summarizes key findings about the costs and harms of substance use in Canada from 2007 to 2020, based on the latest data available. Includes the costs of various substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, opioids and cannabis. Costs are also broken down into four categories: lost productivity, healthcare, criminal justice and other direct costs.

Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms (2020) [infographic]
Illustrates the economic costs and harms of substance use for Canada in 2020. Data includes the overall cost to the country and per person. Costs are broken down for various substances and their respective impacts on lost productivity, healthcare, criminal justice and other direct costs.

Cost of Substance use on the economic productivity of Canadians [infographic]
Illustrates the economic cost and harms of substance use for Canada in 2020. Costs are broken down for various substances and their respective impacts on lost productivity. Costs are broken down for various substances and their respective impacts on lost productivity.

Previous Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Reports

These previous versions of the Substance Use Costs and Harms reports have been archived. They are intended for reference or research purposes only. The most update-to-date estimates can be found in Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms (2007–2020). To learn more about the project history, see About CSUCH.

Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Report (2015–2017)
Canadian Substance Use Costs and Harms Report (2007–2014)

Additional Archived Resources

Released in 2017, these infographics spotlight deaths related to substance use. They are intended for reference or research purposes only.

Unintentional Substance Use-Related Deaths Among Canadian Males [Infographic]
Substance Use-Related Deaths Among Canadian Females [Infographic]

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